Saturday, August 7, 2010

Trial's acoming!!

Help me !!!

Trial's are coming!!

and so is piano exam!!

*screams and pulls hair*

i am freaking out here!!

Just Geography alone has 49 CHAPTERS!!!!

And another like what.. 14 subjects to go perhaps???


How do ppl survive this??

Can teach me??

So tense wei..

But after all these exams,


Won't be blogging till maybe after the exams.. T.T


Friday, July 16, 2010

Graduation Vacation baby!!


I neglected my blog again!


Lazy mah..

Somemore PMR and JUEC coming edi..

So hav to prepare edi..

or else i'll fail miserably.


our class decided on our Graduation Vacation spot

and it's in









* Drum Rolls*









Eagle Ranch Resort

Eagle Ranch Resort

I am staying in here. *points below*

Eagle Ranch Resort

The paddock chalet

Eagle Ranch Resort

Eagle Ranch Resort

There are plenty of facilities such as

The rub and tub spa
Eagle Ranch Resort

Swimming pool
Eagle Ranch Resort


Eagle Ranch Resort

And Recreational facilities such as

Eagle Ranch Resort

Swinging bridge

Eagle Ranch Resort

Abseiling ( I have no idea wat is dat)

Eagle Ranch Resort


Eagle Ranch Resort

Beach Volleyball

Eagle Ranch Resort


Eagle Ranch Resort

Flying fox

Eagle Ranch Resort

Go Kart

Eagle Ranch Resort

Horse Riding

Eagle Ranch Resort

Sea rafting
Eagle Ranch Resort

Eagle Ranch Resort

And lots more..

Facilities Map

Eagle Ranch Resort

1. Entrance Arch
2. Putting Green
3.Cactus Grove
4.Beach volleyball
6.Basketball & Futsall court
7.Kampung house
11.Paddock Chalets
12.Rub n Tub Spa
14.Swimming Pool
15.Children's Pool
16.Changing n Shower Room
17.Meeting room
18.Reception n Main office
19.The watering Hole
20.Convenient Store
21.Pool Side n Stage
22.Eagle square
24.Restrooms n showers- Male and Female
26.Open Barrel
27.Go KArt and Pavillion Track
28.Eagle Creek
29.Melting pot
31.Rock climbing n tower dining
32.Log Cabin(A1)
33.Log Dormitory - Male and Female
34.Seminar Hall- The horse Shoe
35.Paintball - cowboy field
36. Paintball - Airball field andBriefing Area

How to get there?

Eagle Ranch Resort

Well That's ALL for 2day!!

CIAO!!!! =))

Friday, July 2, 2010

Sports day baby!!! =D

Urgh!! I've really been neglecting my blog for lyk wat?

2 weeks??

Really lazy to blog cuz well

There's nothing to blog about!!!

Yesterday and today was awesome!!!!

Cuz it is my first and last sports day in Chong Hwa Independent High School.


Thx to our headmaster lah. He made our school's sports day 4 years once!


Plus I got very sunburnt!!


I look lyk a rambutan!!!!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dad's birthday post.. 13/6/2010 =D

Heys peeps!!

Second post of the day already!!

And still more to come!!!

Was actually planning to go to

Victoria Station/ The Ship/ San Francisco Steak House

BUT my sister was sick so we didn't..

Instead we bought a whole cake - New York Cheese

From Secret Recipe.. Yummy! *drooling*

And ta pau-ed my dad's favourite char kue teow to eat..

and celebrated at home..


Ooops i did it again..

Hey everyone!!

So sry i haven't been updating my blog for so long..

Cuz my sister have dengue so my parents have to

bring her to the hospital to check up everyday since monday! X.X

She has to take blood test lyk everyday. Haiz..

Pity her wei!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Port Dickson.... Here I come!!!!! / Vincy Ng Yin Lei! Why not well yet??

Dear readers, I am going to port dickson 2day!!!!

Woohoo!! *screams*

But I'l be helping my dad in his preaching..

But dunno whether can stay one night or not

cuz there are recent cases on ppl going to the beach n their belongings

in the hotel are stolen..

I memang hate dis kind of ppl wan leh!

They just can't knock some sense into their brains

that I might as well help them do so!


Vincy Ng Yin Lei!!!

Why are you not well yet ??

Faster get up and walk babe.. Miss you so much!!

After when you're well, go church leh.

Haven't seen you in a long time!!

~MY little prayer for you~

Dear God, Thank you that Vincy will be well soon Lord. And thank you

that she'll be up and running in no time. AMEN!

Vincy! Must agree with me ya!

That's all for 2day. Bye!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Boring ..

I'm so bored!!!!!!

I thought i would love the holidays but it's a complete drad.


And i now have completely no mood for blogging

CUZ there's NOTHING to blog about.

So Bye!!! =)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Holidays are here!!!

Yes Yes Yes!!!!! Holidays are here!!!! Now i can sleep late n not wear any uniforms for 2 weeks!

Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! *shouts*

Wishing everyone happy holidays y'll!!!! =DD

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Dears readers, I've finish my exams!! Physics was awesome!!

2day last day of exam! *claps and shouts* BUT

My silly geography teacher ask my class and another class to

Stay back for project work!!! =="

We had to do interview people living in Taman Kaya and

ask them to fill a form.

So my friends and i "Hunted" for "Victims" to ask lor.

The first one was an uncle in his 60s.

He keep giving us the wrong info we need and we still had to listen to what he says,

Like --> Why your Bm so cha a? OR ppl give you what we write what.

Haiz... Then we were like ok..ok.. and kept on nodding.

Once we left the place, my friend was like:" We shouldn't have ask him in the

first place, all he does is keep giving us wrong info!!!

Then we went to a teacher's house to interview him cuz he stays around there,

and he invited us to go inside. So ok lor follow lor.

BUT then hor, his son inside wor. Somemore he in our class wor.

Half way interviewing the teacher, he ask the son to take soft drinks for us,

and said to him like this :" Wey! Yi Guan! Take drinks for your friends lah!

So the son took the drinks and put on the table lor , but then the teacher said:

" Give the drinks to the person's hand! You must be polite and............................."

Haiz... Tiring but yet fun day lor.

We had a blast except for that uncle.

He seriously made us go mad!!!!

Well That's all for 2day! Ciao!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Exams second day.. Get well soon Vincy!!!

Hey readers! 2day is de second day of exams edi.

Till now all de exams also know how to do.

Somehow dis time exams i'm not dat scared about it.

Maybe it's cuz i studied enough.


Vincy!!!! Get well soon!! Hope your leg will feel better soon!!

I will pray for you ya!! I will be there for you!!

Cuz you are always my best friend no matter what!!

Remember dat gurl!!! Stay strong!!! =DDD

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Exams are here...

Hey readers!! I won't be blogging for quite some time because my exams are here.

Have to study or i'll fail them..N i don't want to.

Anyways.. My birthday is 3 months from 2day..*claps*



Saturday, May 15, 2010

Busy busy busy...

2day nothing much lah.. went to school at about 5:55am finish at about 10:00am?? *YES i go to school on saturdays*..

Helped my dad with his ministry work at about 10:30am.. Den went makan makan makan!!!
Super full leh.. my dad ordered a mountain of food!!!!

Den went TESCO to buy things den came back n shower for a long time cuz i feel so dirty..
Hate dat feeling..

OKAY!!!! Cut wif de boring day!! School sports day is coming!!! *woots* N my class shirt..
Apple green n AWESOME design.. Credits to one of my friend who change de design for a million of times??

N my exams coming so i better study hard or else i won't be able to go out!! Bye!!! =DDD

Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm back!!! =D

Dear readers, i'm back!!! Yes, yes, yes!! I'm back!!! Muahaha!! *i know i'm being crazy* I'm practically in love with dis chiristian song. One word to describe it..... AWESOME!!!! Sung by a band named PureNRG..
PureNRG - Radio

Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, on the radio
Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na on the radio
Na, Na, Na, on the radio

Everybody has a song to sing
Don't keep it to yourself
And everybody has a gift to bring
Don't leave it on the shelf
Everybody has a part to play
Right where you are
And everybody has there very own way to shine like a star!

So when you here this on the radio
Remember love can make us one
One world, One hope, One universe
So everybody join the band and sing
With you we can make a change
So when you hear this on the radio
Let it rain, Let it rain, Let me hear you say

Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, on the radio
Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na on the radio
Na, Na, Na, on the radio

Everybody's had one of those days
When nothing's going right
Everybody's had some hard aches
Some lonely tears they've cried
But everybody's got love to give
And arms to hold
Anybody who needs a friend
You're not alone

So when you here this on the radio
Your hometown to outer space
Remember love can make us one
One world, One hope, One universe
So everybody join the band and sing
With you we can make a change
So when you hear this on the radio
Let it rain, Let it rain, Let me hear you say

Let's come together
And help each other
Let's let the whole world see

So when you here this on the radio
Your hometown to outer space
Remember love can make us one
One world, One hope, One universe
So everybody join the band and sing
With you we can make a change
So when you hear this on the radio
Let it rain, Let it rain, Let me hear you say

If you want to see this video, you have to press PLAY first.
Then type PureNRG-radio music video.

Awesome right????
That's all for now!!
Bye!! =D

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's day! =DDD

Hey everyone!! 2 days ago was mother's day! *woots*

Here r some pics frm mother's day in Shabu One Steamboat Restaurant...

Ok.. dat was 2 days ago..wanted to update it dat day but no time..

Aiks!! Nxt week starting exam edi.. nevermind.. i will study.. n score high marks in all de subjects.. GAMBATEH!!!

Dat's all for 2day!! Bye!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hey everyone!!!

Hey everyone! Came back frm church bout 2 hours ago.. den watch alice in wonderland.
De movie was awesome!!! Feel lyk watching it again but sleepy..

Dat's all for 2day.. Nites!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Hey everyone! First time blogging here! This is me........................

ok.. enough wif de intro.. 2 days ago, a friend of mine cut her hand until it bleeded so much dat she had to go to the clinic to sew it up. Gross right? Dat's all for 2day... good night! =)